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 Customers Success Stories – Fraser & Neave Limited Brel Success Stories

Fraser and Neave Limited (listed on the Singapore Exchange, F&NL) is a leading Pan Asian Consumer Group with core expertise and dominant standing in the Food and Beverage, Property and Printing & Publishing industries. Founded in 1883, Fraser and Neave Limited (F&N) holds a flagship of renowned brands across a mix of beer, soft drinks and beverages; retail malls, residential and serviced apartments; publishing and printing services; which represent market leaders in their own rights.

"Brel Web-CMS promotes a Self-Service Model, thus freeing up valuable IT resources."

Roger Tan
Corporate IT Manager, F&N

Timely Financial Reporting on the Web Site

Fraser and Neave Limited being a listed entity on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) is bounded by the rules of the SGX to publish bi-annual financial reports. However, these reports are only allowed to be released after 5.00 pm when the market closes.

One of the challenges is to have the Financial Reports published on the web site immediately after the market closes, without any HTML programming.
Effective Use of IT Resources

Empowering End Users in Web Publishing


A User-Friendly Web Publishing Environment

F&N implemented Brel Web Content Management System (Web-CMS) to publish and maintain their corporate web site (www.fraserandneave.com). Brel Web-CMS empowers their end users to publish their Press Releases and SGX Filings, through a Self-Service model. Similarly, the Financial Reports are published on their web site without any HTML programming.
Web Content Management System to Manage Web Site

‘Self-Service’ Web Publishing Model for End Users


End Users Can Now Publish Web Pages within Minutes, Anytime Anywhere

Employees at F&N are now empowered to create and maintain the web pages through a Self-Service model. They can now publish web pages rapidly Anytime Anywhere using Brel Web-CMS.
Reduction in IT Overheads and Costs

Increased Productivity and Efficiency